Improve the Appearance of Your Ears with Otoplasty
Men, women, and children who have prominent, misshapen, asymmetric, or otherwise irregular ears often feel self-conscious about their appearance and may even endure teasing or bullying. For these people, otoplasty — sometimes known as ear pinning — can be a truly life-changing procedure that both improves their aesthetic appearance and sends their self-confidence soaring. At Brissett Plastic Surgery, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony E. Brissett performs advanced otoplasty in Houston, TX to address a comprehensive range of concerns regarding the ears. Find answers to popular questions about otoplasty ear surgery here, and discover how you or your child may benefit from this exciting procedure.
What does otoplasty do?
Although the terms "otoplasty" and "ear pinning" are often used interchangeably, the procedure can be used to address a number of cosmetic ear concerns beyond simply "ears that stick out too much" — though this is certainly a popular reason for otoplasty. Prior to each otoplasty procedure, Dr. Brissett will carefully examine the ears, discuss the patient's (or parents') concerns, and develop a customized surgical plan that best aligns with the individual anatomy and other case factors. Otoplasty may involve cartilage removal, grafting, sutures, and other techniques to help reshape, resize, or reposition the ears. Some common concerns that can be addressed, improved, and often corrected with otoplasty include:
- Prominent ears
- Ears that stick out
- Large ears
- Asymmetric ears
- Small ear
- Misshapen ear
- Deformed ear
Will I have visible scars after ear pinning surgery?
For most patients, ear pinning surgery results in no visible scarring and no evidence of surgery whatsoever — other than the dramatic improvement in the appearance of the ears and the facial contour overall. Still, the results of otoplasty can be strikingly natural looking, helping to keep the work discreet. The surgical technique itself typically involves incisions that are placed within the natural lines and folds of the ears, meaning scarring is concealed and imperceptible.
Will I have to get ear pinning repeated when I'm older?
Fortunately, the results of ear pinning surgery can be lifelong. While subtle changes may occur with normal development over time, most people's ears are fully grown early in life, meaning otoplasty can be performed during childhood without the worry of future growth affecting the results of the procedure. In fact, otoplasty is generally considered an appropriate option for patients as young as 5 – 6 years old. Choosing ear pinning surgery around this age also offers the opportunity to potentially avoid teasing and bullying, as the ears can be corrected before a child starts school. Still, because every person's anatomy and rate of growth is unique, Dr. Brissett will perform a thorough evaluation and consultation to determine if and when otoplasty surgery may be right for you (or your child).
Transform your appearance and improve your quality of life with ear pinning surgery in Houston, TX
The impact that your ears can have on your overall appearance, self-confidence, relationships, and emotional well-being can be significant — particularly for those men, women, and children who have overly large or irregular ears — but otoplasty can help. Take the first step toward changing your life for the better by calling Brissett Plastic Surgery to schedule your Houston, TX otoplasty consultation with double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony E. Brissett today.