Will I Look and Feel Normal After Facelift Surgery?
There are many different types of facelifts (also called rhytidectomy). They may target different areas of the face or involve more or less manipulation of the skin and tissue. Each type of facelift requires different aftercare instructions and recovery periods.
At Brissett Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony E. Brissett tailors each procedure to his patients' needs and aesthetic goals. Below, we'll look at how long it typically takes patients to feel like themselves again after a facelift.
What is a facelift, and what can I expect afterward?
A standard facelift procedure requires Dr. Brissett to make incisions around the hairline and ears in order to pull back both skin and underlying tissues in the face. He will remove excess fat to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals if necessary.
The results of a facelift are the smoothing and tightening of wrinkled or sagging skin in the lower part of the face. In some cases, patients may get a mid-face, brow, or neck lift in addition to their primary procedure for a more dramatic result.
It can take weeks to begin to see the preliminary results of a facelift (and months for the full effect). In many cases, results will depend on how well you care for yourself after treatment, so facelift recovery is particularly important.
What is facelift recovery like, and how long does it take?
Each patient is different, so Dr. Brissett provides customized aftercare instructions for each person based on their surgical plan. But, generally, you can expect to take around two weeks to recover after a facelift.
While those who have undergone extensive procedures may be prescribed pain relief, over-the-counter options work well for most people. If drains or sutures were placed during surgery, most patients will return to the office about a week later for removal. After this, swelling will typically begin to subside.
Patients who undergo a facelift usually need 5 – 7 days of rest. Pain relief is not normally necessary after this period, and it's a good idea to start moving around more to aid in blood circulation.
However, the healing process takes energy, so even a week after surgery, you may still find that you tire easily.
When will I look and feel normal again after a facelift?
While bruising and swelling may prevent you from returning to your everyday activities in the second week after surgery, you should start feeling like yourself again. The skin on your face may also feel tight, but this feeling usually goes away in week two.
Week three is when most patients begin to look and feel normal again. However, swelling and bruises may take another week to subside. Your results should be dramatic but natural.
It's critical to follow all skin care instructions from Dr. Brissett to see the best results possible from your facelift and reduce your chances of scarring from the incisions.
Get facelift surgery in Houston, TX
Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony E. Brissett is experienced in providing facelifts to patients in Houston, TX. If you're looking for smoother, younger-looking skin, the first step is to meet with him and go over your goals and expectations, share your health history, and hear more about what to expect from your personalized treatment.
Schedule a consultation at Brissett Plastic Surgery today to get started on your aesthetic journey.