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Why Does My Nose Have a Large Dorsal Hump?

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If you’re relatively indifferent about the look of your nose, it can be hard to understand how a nose can have such a profound impact on a patient’s confidence and overall sense of self. For many patients, the size or shape of their nose has been a constant source of anxiety since adolescence, while other patients develop unwanted changes to their nose as a result of aging or traumatic injury. Perhaps one of the most common cosmetic complaints about the nose is a prominent dorsal hump, which gives the bridge a visible bump. While a humped nose is often unavoidable, patients hoping to reduce the bump may be excited to learn about the possibility of dorsal hump reduction with rhinoplasty surgery. At Brissett Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony E. Brissett is an expert in the complexities and nuances of nasal surgery and can help patients achieve a look they love with rhinoplasty. Keep reading to learn why you may have a dorsal hump and what type of rhinoplasty may be most appropriate for you.

What is a dorsal hump?

When it comes to the nose, a dorsal hump is a projected bump on the bridge of the nose. In some patients, a dorsal hump is quite prominent and may even extend the full length of the nasal bridge, while other patients may have a more subtle bump. In either case, a dorsal hump can make a person feel self-conscious about their appearance and, in particular, their side profile.

What causes a dorsal nose hump?

Most often, a humped nose is a genetic trait that is inherited through family and/or ethnicity. Middle Eastern patients, for example, often have an easily recognizable dorsal hump. In other cases, a bump in the nose is the result of injury or trauma, such as breaking the nose. In either scenario, cosmetic rhinoplasty may provide a life-changing solution for reducing or removing a patient’s dorsal hump.

What kind of rhinoplasty do I need for dorsal hump removal?

Rhinoplasty can be performed for cosmetic reasons, functional reasons, or both. Some of the most common types of rhinoplasty surgeries performed today include:

  • Traditional rhinoplasty
  • Functional rhinoplasty
  • Ethnic rhinoplasty
  • Revision rhinoplasty
  • Septoplasty
  • Turbinectomy

Based on the cause and severity of your nasal hump, your overall nasal anatomy, and other factors, Dr. Brissett will recommend the most appropriate surgical approach for you. Dorsal hump reduction is often performed using an open technique, meaning an incision is made on the outside of the nose, though some patients may be eligible for a closed rhinoplasty, which involves internal incisions and sutures only. In either case, visible scarring is virtually nonexistent. Patients whose dorsal hump is related to their ethnicity may be candidates for ethnic rhinoplasty, which takes into account their unique nasal structures and facial features and takes care not to compromise their cultural identity. Finally, patients who have breathing issues or other functional concerns in addition to a dorsal hump may be best-suited to a combination procedure to address both cosmetic and functional problems in a single surgical setting.

When performed by a highly qualified, board-certified facial plastic surgeon, dorsal hump reduction rhinoplasty can give patients a stunning, natural-looking nose they can enjoy for a lifetime.

Smooth out your dorsal hump with advanced rhinoplasty surgery in Houston, TX

Whether you have a prominent nasal hump that makes you cringe every time you look in the mirror or you simply want to smooth out a subtle bump on the bridge of your nose, we can help. To learn more about how you can get the nose and side profile you’ve always wanted, call Brissett Plastic Surgery to schedule your rhinoplasty consultation in Houston, TX with top double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony E. Brissett today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.